
Become a Blockchain Developer

Learn to build blockchain applications: Smart Contracts, De-Fi Apps, Crypto Tokens, NFTs and Other DApps (Decentralized Apps) by using blockchain development tools.

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Blockchain Skills Fields

Blockchain: Trust and Transparency in a Digital Age.

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that creates a secure and transparent way to record transactions. Imagine a shared ledger, accessible to everyone, where information can't be tampered with. That's the essence of blockchain.
Key Concepts:
  • Decentralization: No single entity controls the blockchain. It's distributed across a network of computers, making it secure and resistant to manipulation.
  • Immutability: Once data is recorded on a blockchain, it can't be altered or deleted, ensuring a permanent and tamper-proof record.
  • Blocks and Chains: Information is grouped into blocks, linked together in a chronological chain. Each block contains data and a unique identifying code, making it traceable.
  • Consensus Mechanism: A system for verifying new transactions and adding them to the blockchain. This ensures everyone on the network agrees on the validity of the data.
What can blockchain be used for?
  • Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and other digital currencies rely on blockchain for secure transactions.
  • Supply Chain Management: Tracking the movement of goods from origin to destination with greater transparency and efficiency.
  • Voting Systems: Potential to create more secure and auditable voting processes.
  • Record Keeping: Securely storing important documents like medical records or contracts.
Blockchain is still evolving, but it holds immense potential to transform various industries by fostering trust and transparency in a digital world.


No digital skills prerequisites skills is required for this course. Programming languages and tools needed for the blockchain fundamentals are provided in the course

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A desktop computer or a laptop with drive storage space not less than 500 GB; RAM size not less than 4 GB and a good CPU or GPU is required for an effective productivity. Getting an external 1080px monitor is a plus, which increases your screen real-estate for an increase productivity. A MacBook with the supported Mac OS installed or PC laptops running current versions of windows 10 OS / windows 11 OS or Linus machine with Ubuntu OS are preferable. Direction of other software tools to use for the Blockchain fundamental course will be directed during the class


Is a beginner class course. You first learn our Computer Digital Literacy (CDL) 101 course and CDL 203 if you are a beginner in computing. And CDL 407 course then you learn the Blockchain fundamental course.

Learning Curve

It approximately takes 6 - 14 months of
a beginner enrollment to cover the skills.

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Understanding Native Tokens: The Currency of Blockchains

Native tokens are the lifeblood of a blockchain, its inherent digital currency. They serve multiple purposes within their respective ecosystems.
Here's a quick breakdown:
  • Built-in Value: Unlike non-native tokens created on top of blockchains, native tokens are designed specifically for that blockchain.
  • They have built-in value and functionality within the network.
  • Core Functions: Native tokens power various operations on their blockchain.
They can be used for:
  • Transaction fees: Paying for the computational power required to validate and record transactions on the blockchain.
  • Security incentives: Rewarding miners or validators who maintain the network's security and integrity.
  • Governance: In some cases, native tokens can be used for voting on proposals that shape the future of the blockchain.
Examples: Bitcoin (BTC) on the Bitcoin blockchain and Ether (ETH) on the Ethereum blockchain are well-known examples of native tokens.
Not all tokens are native:
It's important to distinguish native tokens from other tokens that can exist on a blockchain. These non-native tokens might represent specific assets, utilities, or functionalities within the blockchain ecosystem. Understanding native tokens is crucial for anyone interested in blockchain technology and its applications. They are the fuel that keeps these decentralized networks running smoothly.


No digital skills prerequisites skills is required for this course. Programming languages and tools needed to design, understand and program Native Tokens are provided in the course

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A desktop computer or a laptop with drive storage space not less than 500 GB; RAM size not less than 4 GB and a good CPU or GPU is required for an effective productivity. Getting an external 1080px monitor is a plus, which increases your screen real-estate for an increase productivity. A MacBook with the supported Mac OS installed or PC laptops running current versions of windows 10 OS / windows 11 OS or Linus machine with Ubuntu OS are preferable. Direction of other software tools to use for the Native Tokens course will be directed during the class

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Is a beginner and professional class course. You first learn our Computer Digital Literacy (CDL) 101 course and CDL 203 if you are a beginner in computing. And CDL 407 course then you learn the Naive Tokens course.

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Learning Curve

It approximately takes 3 - 9 months
to cover the skills learn Native Tokens.

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NFTs: Non-Fungible Tokens Explained

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique digital certificates that reside on a blockchain. They act as a deed of ownership for digital assets, ensuring authenticity and scarcity in the digital world.
Here's a quick breakdown:
  • Matters: Unlike fungible assets like money (where one dollar is equal to another), NFTs are one-of-a-kind. Each NFT has a unique identifier, making it irreplaceable.
  • Digital Ownership: NFTs can represent ownership of various digital assets like: Artwork Collectibles (e.g., trading cards, sports moments) Music, In-game items
Blockchain Advantage:
NFTs leverage blockchain technology to provide a secure and transparent record of ownership. This allows anyone to verify the authenticity and ownership history of an NFT.
More Than Just Pictures:
While digital art has been a popular use case for NFTs, their applications are expanding. Imagine owning a virtual fashion item for your avatar in a metaverse or even tokenized real-world assets like property! NFT world is still evolving, but it offers exciting possibilities for digital ownership, creative expression, and new forms of investment.


No digital skills prerequisites skills is required for this course. Programming languages and tools needed to understand, design and program NFTs & NFTs Marketplace are provided in the course

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A desktop computer or a laptop with drive storage space not less than 500 GB; RAM size not less than 4 GB and a good CPU or GPU is required for an effective productivity. Getting an external 1080px monitor is a plus, which increases your screen real-estate for an increase productivity. A MacBook with the supported Mac OS installed or PC laptops running current versions of windows 10 OS / windows 11 OS or Linus machine with Ubuntu OS are preferable. Direction of other software tools to use for the Mobile App development course will be directed during the class

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Is a beginner and professional class course. You first learn our Computer Digital Literacy (CDL) 101 course and CDL 203 if you are a beginner in computing. And CDL 407 course then you learn the NFTs development course.

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Learning Curve

It approximately takes 5 - 10 months to study this field.

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DeFi: Banking on the Blockchain

DeFi refers to Decentralized Finance, a rapidly growing movement that aims to create an open and accessible financial system built on blockchain technology. Imagine a world where you can access financial services like loans, investments, and trading without relying on traditional banks or institutions. That's the core idea behind DeFi.
Key Features:
  • Peer-to-Peer: DeFi eliminates the need for intermediaries by facilitating financial transactions directly between individuals.
  • Smart Contracts: These self-executing contracts on the blockchain automate DeFi transactions, ensuring security and transparency.
  • Access: DeFi is accessible to anyone with an internet connection, potentially promoting financial inclusion for the underbanked.
What can you do with DeFi?
  • Borrw and Lend: Borrow cryptocurrencies or lend your holdings to earn interest.
  • Trade Assets: Decentralized exchanges allow for peer-to-peer trading of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets.
  • Yeild Farming: (Note: This can be risky) Earn rewards by strategically depositing your crypto holdings in DeFi protocols.
DeFi is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the financial landscape by offering greater transparency, control, and accessibility for individuals.


No digital skills prerequisites skills is required for this course. Programming languages and tools needed to design De-Fi Applications are provided in the course

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A desktop computer or a laptop with drive storage space not less than 500 GB; RAM size not less than 4 GB and a good CPU or GPU is required for an effective productivity. Getting an external 1080px monitor is a plus, which increases your screen real-estate for an increase productivity. A MacBook with the supported Mac OS installed or PC laptops running current versions of windows 10 OS / windows 11 OS or Linus machine with Ubuntu OS are preferable. Direction of other software tools to use for the De-Fi App development course will be directed during the class

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Is a beginner and professional class course. You first learn our Computer Digital Literacy (CDL) 101 course and CDL 203 if you are a beginner in computing. And CDL 407 course then you learn the De-Fi app development course.

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Learning Curve

It approximately takes 5 - 10 months to learn De-Fi app development.

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DApps: Apps Built on Blockchain, Beyond Central Control

DApps are software applications that operate on a decentralized network, typically a blockchain, instead of a single server controlled by a company. Imagine an app that runs on a peer-to-peer network, free from central authority. That's the essence of a DApp.

Key Features:
  • Decentralized: No single entity controls a DApp. This fosters transparency, censorship resistance, and potentially, increased user control.
  • Powered by Smart Contracts: DApps rely on smart contracts, self-executing code on the blockchain, to automate tasks and govern their operations.
  • Abound: DApps exist for various purposes like:
    • DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Enabling peer-to-peer financial transactions (borrowing, lending, trading).
    • Gaming: Games with ownership of in-game items or virtual assets on a blockchain.
    • Social Media: Platforms that prioritize user data privacy and potentially, more democratic governance.
Benefits of DApps:
  • Transparency: Users can see how DApps work and trustlessly interact with them.
  • Security: Data stored on a blockchain is tamper-proof and potentially more secure.
  • Censorship Resistance: DApps are resistant to censorship or control by a single entity.

DApps are a growing field with immense potential to reshape how we interact with applications. However, they may also have limitations in scalability and user experience compared to traditional apps.


No digital skills prerequisites skills is required for this course. Programming languages and tools needed to design and program DApps are provided in the course

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A desktop computer or a laptop with drive storage space not less than 500 GB; RAM size not less than 4 GB and a good CPU or GPU is required for an effective productivity. Getting an external 1080px monitor is a plus, which increases your screen real-estate for an increase productivity. A MacBook with the supported Mac OS installed or PC laptops running current versions of windows 10 OS / windows 11 OS or Linus machine with Ubuntu OS are preferable. Direction of other software tools to use for the DApps development course will be directed during the class

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Is a beginner and professional class course. You first learn our Computer Digital Literacy (CDL) 101 course and CDL 203 if you are a beginner in computing. And CDL 407 course then you learn the DApps development course.

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Learning Curve

It approximately takes 5 - 10 months to cover the skills to be a DApps developer.

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The Engine of Blockchain

In the world of blockchain, the term "layer 1 core" refers to the foundation upon which everything else is built.
Here's a breakdown:
  • The Bedrock of Blockchain: Layer 1 represents the core protocol of a blockchain network. It's the main stage where transactions are validated, secured, and recorded on a public ledger.
  • Think of it as the Land: Imagine a plot of land (layer 1) where you can build a house (application). The land itself dictates the ground rules for construction and provides the essential support for the structure.
  • Examples of Layer 1 Blockchains: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and Cardano are all prominent examples of layer 1 blockchains, each with its own unique architecture and functionalities.
  • The Core Responsibilities: Layer 1 is responsible for:
    • Security: Ensuring the integrity and immutability of the blockchain data.
    • Consensus Mechanism: Determining how transactions are validated and added to the blockchain. This is crucial for maintaining trust in the network.
    • Scalability: Handling an increasing number of transactions efficiently. This can be a challenge for some layer 1 blockchains.
Why it Matters:
Understanding layer 1 is important because it determines the core functionalities and limitations of a blockchain network. Applications built on top of a specific layer 1 inherit its characteristics.

While layer 1 forms the foundation, additional layers can be built on top to address scalability and functionality limitations. However, layer 1 remains the core, providing the security and trust that underpins the entire blockchain ecosystem.


No digital skills prerequisites skills is required for this course. Programming languages and tools needed to design and build Layer 1 core blockchain are provided in the course

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A desktop computer or a laptop with drive storage space not less than 500 GB; RAM size not less than 4 GB and a good CPU or GPU is required for an effective productivity. Getting an external 1080px monitor is a plus, which increases your screen real-estate for an increase productivity. A MacBook with the supported Mac OS installed or PC laptops running current versions of windows 10 OS / windows 11 OS or Linus machine with Ubuntu OS are preferable. Direction of other software tools to use for the Layer 1 Core Blockchain development course will be directed during the class

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Is a professional class course. You first learn our Computer Digital Literacy (CDL) 101 course and CDL 203 if you are a beginner in computing. And CDL 407 course then you learn the Layer 1 Core Blockchain development course.

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Learning Curve

It approximately takes 6 - 14 months
to cover the skills to be a Layer 1 Blockchain developer.

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Beginners Class
Gh₵ 160 /monthly 6 months online/offline Tutorials
Professional Class
14 months online/offline Tutorials
Enroll AsOther Skills